Determine 9 weeds in the public park

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There are dozens of different Grass Herbs, but the biggest problems are caused by a few. While it is simply to use heavy doses of the wide spectrum Chemical killers To eliminate weeds, there may also be more specific treatments for specific herbs. In addition, some herbs are significantly resistant to herbal pesticides, and they better respond to different control methods.

Below are nine of the weeds that most owners of homes must eventually deal with.

  • 01
    From 09

    Dandalb (Taraxacum Officinale)

    Yellow dandelion flowers in grass as weeds

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Joint dandelion is a member of the ASTER family. She arrived in North America from Europe and soon proved itself as weeds in the wild garden and public weeds.

    Unlike many weeds, dandelion is a permanent, care, long care root It makes it difficult to eliminate. But dandelion can be pulled by hand, and the above part can be killed with gardener vinegar.

    Or you can Eat your dandelion. Yes, dandelion is eating and delicious. All parts of the plant are good in salads or as cooked vegetables.

  • 02
    From 09

    Charlie CumPora

    Charlie crawl

    David Polio Tree

    Although they are just weeds in the public park, one can calculate Charlie’s crawl between aromatic plants. When you make a cheerful crawl with the grass, the fragrance is released in the air. This may be a small thing, but inhalation of a gentle smell prevents one’s mind from the work that is cut.

    Charlie’s creeping is one of the most stubborn herbs for grass, but it has shallow roots and easy enough to withdraw if you are patient and effort.

    This MINT family is also used as a green salad in some places.

  • 03
    From 09

    Joint Banana (Main Plingo)

    Common banana weeds

    David Polio Tree

    Common Banana (Plantago MajorYou may return you to your childhood. Do you have a pet rabbit as a child? What did you feed? If you build an outdoor cage that does not calm down to your pet (with a rooting directly on the ground, without legs), then your rabbit will undoubtedly eat the vegetation below it. The grass was on the list, but the other favorite dish would have been a common banana (if it existed). Joint bananas is also suitable for people and can be used in salads or as cooked green.

    Joint bananas has a wide, but close paper, Plantao LanceolataHe has grass -like foliage called banana baccorn, or beating.

    You can dig banana to get rid of them organically. The roots are relatively shallow. However, this is Permanent weedsAnd any part of the roots that are not withdrawn will be renewed.

  • 04
    From 09

    Joint Rajid (Ambrooria Artemisviolia)

    Rajoid paper is closely up

    David Polio Tree

    There are two types of Ragweed, but the shape that chases meadows EstroisiasvioliaOr a common Raguid.

    Unlike some other examples in this list, A. Artemisiifolia It has no root, so it is easy to harm. Just pull it. Ragweed flourishes in poor soil, so keeping your grass health and nourishing it well will also lead to Ragweed inhibition.

    Unlike many weeds in the garden, this number of indigenous population of North America, not a foreign invasion.

  • 05
    From 09

    PURLANE (Portlaaca Oleracea)


    Paolobis / Getty Images

    Purlane is the grass of the ground with fat leaves. It tends to prosper in dry sandy soil.

    As weeds in the garden, PURLANE is a prolific seed product. The chemical control system will be treated in both ends: with herbicide before the appearance (such as a tribobeer) and herbal pesticides after appearing (such as 2,4-D). Stability is required.

    If you choose to involve the enemy organically (by digging it), you will have to be fixed as well. The smallest pieces of plants in the soil will renew.

  • 06
    From 09

    Rumex Crispus

    He heads the pavement flower (seeds) against a snowy background.

    David Polio Tree

    Dock yellow or “curly” is one of the easiest plants listed here to select them. It contains a distinctive dried flower head that looks like a coffee ground. Dock is a tall plant when it is tender, so it may not connect it with the promoter. But the seeds may rise like small plants in the grass, especially along the fence lines if they do not cut them hard.

    This is another plant with a large root. Although drilling is possible, it should be accurate. Follow -up to verification to see if the new growth has appeared from any root fragments behind it. If you do not care to stay organically and only deal with the isolated yellow cage plant here or there, the leaves are large enough so that you can carefully be able to do this from Roundup (Glyphosate) on the leaves to kill the plant.

  • 07
    From 09

    Clipium SSP.

    Red clover

    David Polio Tree

    There are many types of CloverAll homeowners want to start from the grass. This may be a mistake, because alfalfa actually enjoy very healthy for grass. It is fragrant, resists most lesions, and helps to ventilate the soil, and the best of all, as a member of the peas family, alfalfa in reality He adds nitrogen To the soil. There is a lot that can be said about the grass that contains a healthy percentage of alfalfa inside the grass grass mixture. Besides the red clover (Talkolium Hadith), White clover (Ribulium ribliumIt is the most alfalfa in the public garden.

    But if you are firm to eliminate alfalfa mixed with your grass grass, there are chemical and organic means to do so. For the first, I am looking for wide herbal pesticides for use on Grass You grow (carefully study the brand on the bottle). Along with other wide herbs, alfalfa will also be killed by these herbal pesticides.

    For more environmentally friendly controls, you can simply pull alfalfa. Be aware, although the presence of alfalfa in the first place indicates that your soil lacks nitrogen. If you remove alfalfa, you should add nitrogen in the form of fertilizer or granular fertilizers. If the full spots of the grass are naked as soon as the clover is removed, you should re -apply these areas with grass grass. To prevent alfalfa appearing, maintain the health of these spots.

    Heshish general grass that resembles alfalfa, but it is not one Oxalis is tightMore well -known as dough or as Yellow wood.

  • 08
    From 09

    Viola Spp

    Violet wild

    David Polio Tree

    Wild violet is likely to be the best in the group in terms of appearance among the weeds in the public garden here. In fact, some homeowners find flowers so beautiful enough that they decided to leave the plants alone. In fact, this is close to Johnny-Kafam Not less than Johnny in the appearance section – and you will not have to buy it. Violet may actually work well if you want a natural sense of meadows.

    But if you prefer a hashish of uniform grass, violet can be pulled, provided that you extract the entire root system. The treated chemical controls include a stain with glendup or using broad leaves like weed B-Gon. Fall is the best time to treat violet.

  • 09
    From 09

    Crabgrass (Digitaria)

    Smooth crab

    David Polio Tree

    Several “silver lining” herbs have an attractive flower, an enjoyable smell, or by edible. You cannot find such a feature with Crabgrass.

    these Annual herbs It can produce up to 150,000 seeds for each plant and it is very difficult to fight. This is not easily withdrawn weeds, and as herb, not vulnerable to wide herbal pesticides. Most herbicides that kill Crabgrass will also kill all other herbs.

    The best solution to control Crabgrass is the use of Herbal pesticides before appearing Designed specifically for Cancer. Crabgrass is considered in bare and poor soils, so keeping grass grass is healthy and thick is one of the best preventive measures.

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