16 types of gas plants that must be avoided

12 Min Read

and Gaze It is an indigenous plant that grows as it does not want it and behaves in a way that makes it difficult to control. no It should be weedsAnd gas plants are not always ugly samples, especially since some have beautiful flowers. The invasion is also regional. Some types do not make any problems in one place, but in other cases, they grow vigorously, and strangle other plants in other areas.

Who determines the invasion?

International, federal and state officials interfere in issuing consultations, preparing regulations, and release Judicial programs To protect from the gas species that exceed the area. Gase species can cause economic, environmental, or biological harm. They can compete with the original plants of water, light, nutrients and space. Gases can exceed the endangered and threatened species, the deterioration of wildlife habitats and water quality, increased soil erosion, and the displacement of original food sources of wildlife.

Look at this list, which includes 16 gaseous plants among the most common criminals. Call your local extension to confirm the invasions in your area.

  • 01
    From 16

    Oriental Peters

    Sweet branch and bitter with small green berries

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    It looks sweet and desirable, but its appearance in your garden can be “sweet and pass.” Discrimination between the types of sweet and the three times: sweet and bitter Oriental (Celastrus Orbiculatus), Sweet and American ((Celastrus climbing) And bittersweet nightshade (Solaum Dulcamara).

    It is Vine Vine Vine Orit that makes most of the worst menus lists in North America. Other models can also be invasive, but they are less than sweet and bitter, which can control Forest Garden. American bittersweet is the shape with attractive red berries and orange that is often used in decorative displays.

  • 02
    From 16

    Chinese Chinese

    Chinese Chinese

    Probish Probish / Loren

    Sweet and bitter, Witteria has several types. North American farmers must determine whether they are planting the American mediator chrome (Westeria FRUTESENS) or Chinese Chinese (Westeria Seninsis was.). Both types of strong farmers, but the Chinese mediators pose a real threat to the south The hardness of the US Department of Agriculture 4.

  • 03
    From 16

    English ivy

    The English ivy plant with large leaves climbing the tree trunk

    Tree of spon

    If you want to increase the weeds in your landscape area, English ivy (Ivy IUD) He is A strong and attractive ground cover tolerates the shade. However, the problem is that the English ivy grows well in most places and is very strong, as it earns a spot in the list of the worst gas plants. It easily escapes from the cultivation of landscapes and is considered a gaseous plant that is seriously problematic, especially in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean.

  • 04
    From 16

    Sweet autumn Clematis

    Sweet autumn vine with small white flowers and mysterious seed heads

    Tree of spruce / autumn

    Sweet autumn Climatis (Clematis Terniflora) Another “good -looking” sample that can overwhelm the landscape. It is a special problem in the East and West. This plant has a very sweet smell, but this is the only gentle thing. Another variety of New Zealand, Clematis Paniculaata, Sometimes it is sold as a sweet autumn calculation, but this is a lesser alternative.

  • 05
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    BGLEWEED or Ajuga

    Agoga plant with small purple flower mutations close

    Treasure / K. Dave

    Ajuga mat (mat)brain Reputans, Or BGLEWEED, last Popular ground cover That can turn bullying. Since Ajuga has purple flowers and can suppress herbs, they are often cultivated in shaded areas as a ground cover. However, Ajuga can take over a garden or garden, a special problem in warmer climates with no frost in the winter to kill plants annually.

  • 06
    From 16


    The bush bush with small green yellow leaves gathered on the branches

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Two types of Barbari bushes Berberis ThunbergiiFrom the Far East, and Berberis popularFrom Europe. These invaders come armed with teeth, and they hide the thorns, which makes them effective Hedge plant. Unfortunately, many of these barbaric plants are so invading that many of the Middle West put it in the list of invasive plants dangerously, which strongly indicates that it should never be grown.

  • 07
    From 16



    ADRIENNE Legaut

    In autumn, burning bush (Euonymus) It puts an offer for ages, holds red or pink red leaves. Orange red berries accompany amazing foliage. This strange plant from Asia is beautiful, but it is dangerously invaded across most of the northern United States, from Minnie to Minnesota and the southeast of the country.

  • 08
    From 16


    Lantana plants with small and yellow pink flower groups

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Lantana (Lanta Camara) It is a wide green bush in tropical areas. It is a noticeable gas in Florida, Georgia, through the south, and go west to California. However, this beautiful plant does not pose any danger in cold climates north of region 9, as it is often used in hanging baskets. This plant can easily escape the gardens and naturalize the dangerous abundance in the warmer areas.

  • 09
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    Butterfly Bush

    Butterfly bush with white flower mutations on long stems

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Bush butterfly (Buddha SPP.) It is among the worst invasions in the northwest of the Pacific Ocean, where the growing conditions are similar to its original homeland. It is also a gas problem in the southeastern regions. It is the least problematic in the cold areas of region 6 because the plant dies to the Earth every winter.

    The butterfly bush bears its name because it attracts butterflies (as well as other pollinations), but for humans, the plant is somewhat good in the smell. Looking at growth Butterfly weeds ((asclepias tuberosa) As an alternative to Butterfly.

  • 10
    From 16

    Common privacy


    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    As with barbarian, special hedge (Ligustrum Volgari) common. But just because it is common, it does not mean that it is not a problem. This type is included in the official lists of problematic plants in most of the Middle West and Northeast, from Pennsylvania to Maine. Priveet responds well to pain and withstands pollution that usually affects plants in urban environments. Privacy bushes grow very quickly so that they can easily escape from the boundaries of agriculture and become naturalized in the wild.

  • 11
    From 16

    Norway maple tree

    Norway maple tree with yellow leaves in the middle of the garden with fallen leaves

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Full -sized trees can also be invasive, as in Norway maple (Left Platianiis), It is considered invasive in most of the northeast and dangerously in the state of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Originally planted as the species of landscape, its seeds easily separate on the wind to naturalize in other environments.

  • 12
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    Knotweed Japanese

    Japanese Knotweed plant in large leaves

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Japanese Knotweed (Valley Gabonica) It is a bickering perennial factory with no landsmatic value. The best that can be said about its appearance is that it produces a flower with a thin appearance in the beginning of the fall (and therefore one of its common alternative names, “Fleece Flower”). Most everyone agrees to Remove it on the horizon. It is an easy choice as one of the worst plants, which is invasive in every state, despite the worst in the natural hardness areas, from 5 to 9.

  • 13
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    Kodzo dominated the forest

    Lightscripe / Getty Images

    Kodzo It is an Asian perennial vine and one of the worst invasions ever. It is sometimes called “the vine that ate the south.” Kudzu is part of the peas family and is used as livestock feed, but it is an enormous problem in all southern states.

    It was initially planted to shade the balconies on the southern farms, and the plant soon spread to the surrounding lands, where it is now manipulating almost everything that touches it. It grows well in the sun and shadows and is dangerously invading throughout the south and southeast and the Atlantic markets.

    One of the last control effort is to allow a intolerance in the areas affected by the Codeso so that they can eat their fullness and rid the Kodzo area.

  • 14
    From 16


    Common dark plants with small yellow flowers on the long and delicate stems surrounded by white wild flowers and grass

    Evgeniya vlasova tree / Evgeniya vlasova

    Tansy is herb – handsome with a rich tradition of using cooking and cooking. But there is more anxiety than their toxicity: dark plants are invasions that spread through seeds and roots, and take over areas of the ground if left without deterrence.

  • 15
    From 16

    Purple Loosestrife

    Photo of Lustry Perble

    David Polio Tree

    Loosestrife is believed to have arrived in North America, where the seeds are used in the soil as a page in sailing ships in the early nineteenth century. Today, it has been found in every state in the United States with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska.

    Loosestrife invades wetlands, forms a thick root mat that suffocates original plants and destroys wildlife habitats. It looks beautiful when it is collected together, which is the base because it spreads incredibly strongly.

    This problem factory is a threat to the ecosystem that has provided Canada and the United States since 1992 since 1992 Galerucella Calmariensis and C. Pimila To get rid of the plant – an experiment seems to help reduce species.

  • 16
    From 16

    Japanese honey

    Japanese blossom chrome yellow and white flowers

    ADRIENNE Legaut

    Japanese Honiceocil (Valley Gabonica) It is another attractive sample with a sweet smell that turns out to be an evil enemy. This strong, rapidly growing twin vine contains fragrant yellow flowers that appear from June to October and grow to 30 feet. When it is intentionally cultivated, it is used as a ground cover, but it is considered a strange invade across the entire Middle West.

    If planted in the garden, the great caution should be taken to keep the factory under examination, including cut it firmly. This plant can break the ends of the trees with its heavy weight and kill the bushes and trees by destroying them with strong chrome.

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