How does Crabgrass look?
11 Min Read

Crabgrass is difficult, and has many stems, and grows on the floor, which makes these annual weeds very successful, whether they grow on grass, corridor or cracks in the sidewalk. Crabgras spreads quickly and can gather grass and take food.

Crabgrass grows between concrete cracks


What is Crabgrass?

Crabgrass is the common name for plant sex (DigitariaIt includes annual and perennial species of grass. The species generally contain wide and flat blades and produce long flower groups and thousands of seeds in the growth season.

Crabgrass comes out of a microscopic blade because it embraces the Earth. Unlike the longest weeds, they cannot be broken, so they rush well for traffic, even in high -motion areas. Even their legs, which carry flowers and seeds, are difficult and do not mind walking on them.

How does Crabgrass look?

Crabgrass looks like a green green green group of grass. Its sprawling stems are similar to the crab legs. Usually it is wrong for Fescue grassBut the color and size are good discrimination devices to help you identify it accurately. The strong grass is a dark green color, thicker, and grows faster. Crabgrass grows in many types of grass.

Young blade blades revolve around a pencil thicker, but then the stems become heavy, fall, get screaming, and you will notice a star shape in the middle.

A patch of crabs spread on cement


Crabgrass with long thin stems and long close leaves


Crabgrass leg with seeds at the end of the close


Life cycle

Crabgrass grows and lives for one season. It spreads its seeds and returns the following year. The seeds begin to spread in the middle of the spring when the soil temperature remains 55 degrees Fahrenheit for at least four or five consecutive days. When the average daily soil temperature reaches 73 degrees Fahrenheit, most of the crab seeds should have germinated. In the most shades, it will take longer. It will grow faster in the areas close to concrete and rocks because these materials make heat.

In the first stage, Crabgrass seedlings are similar to mini -corn legs. Then, the leaves begin to go out. Crabgrass becomes more problematic in the summer because these weeds flourish in hot dry weather. It is tolerant with dehydration and the last green thing in the garden is often killing the frost late.

Types of crabs

The two main types of Digitaria We are Soft crab and hairy crabs, with smooth, smooth crabs are more common. However, they are similar because both of them are annual herbs that peak in summer. It flourishes in rich, sandy, or mud soils. Upon maturity, hairy crabs can grow up to 3 1/2 feet, while soft crabs grow to an average length of 2/2 feet.

Hairy crabs

Digitaria Sanguinalis also known as hairy crabgrass

Oored Lyzhechka / Getty Images

Also called hairy crabgrass is also called long Crabgrass. Their leaves grow almost with the same length, up to 6 inches long. Hair type (Digitaria SanguinalisHe gets his name from many small hair throughout the plant. It is more rough and has wider blades than smooth crab. The width of the hairy crab can reach 1/2 inch, while the width of the smooth crab is about 1/4 inch.

Smooth crab

An close to the smooth crab

New York State IPM Program at Cornell University / Flex / CC by 2.0

Crabs (crab) (Digitaria IschaEmumHe has no hair around sheath or leaves. Hair is located on smooth crabs only in the ears in the plant-small ear projections on the inner side at the base of the leaves.

The smooth crab is also called “small Crabgrass” because it grows shorter (about 6 inches) from his most hair cousin. The blades of its leaves are somewhat incomplete. Plant stems bend in the nodes and sometimes turn red.

How to spread Crabgrass

Good news about Crabgrass is that it is limited in its growth; It only spreads by seeds and not root. If the seeds are prevented from germination, the plant is prevented from emerging. However, crabs can grow more strongly if not kept. If the long legs are allowed to flound up and touch the ground, it can root in that nodes, and the secondary legs can germinate from the main trunk, a foot or two away from the main crown.

How to prevent crabs

Prevention is the key. Below are two ways to prevent crabs:

  • Pre -appearance herbal pesticides (Crabgrass): Crabgrass Prevent Go after the seeds of the Crabgrass seeds specified in the previous season. Herbal pesticides prevent crab seeds from germination, and the development of roots and emerging stops. The timing of its application is extremely important to its success, as well as doing this in the spring because Crabgrass seeds can germinate from early spring to late summer when the soil temperature reaches 90 degrees. Buy the soil heat scale to track soil temperatures. The application of herbal pesticides can continue these five months.
  • Reseed Bare Lawn Pots with a healthy grass grass: The open correction of the soil calls the grass seeds to root. You can start the new grass in the early fall and establish it before the winter. Do Ventilation Before applying some fresh grass seeds to fill the bare spots.

How to get rid of the crab

To get rid of the crabYou need to break her life cycle. There are different ways to do this, but two Types of herbicides Work better: post -appearance and before appearing. Learn more below:

  • Herbal pesticide after appearing: Sprinkle the crab with herbal pesticides after appearing. Emergency herbal pesticides come in two types: selective and non -selective. Selective herbal pesticides target specific herbs or plants of plants, such as herbal plants versus the petition. Non -selective herbicides kill all plants, including those you may want to keep.
  • Healthy grass prevents herbs from grabbing. You can maintain a thick herb that stands by cutting and fertility. Keeping the grass cut to a height of 3 inches or more will remain and cool the soil, preventing harmful herbs from germination. To better serve the desired herbs, try to increase the deepest water instead frequently. Keep fertilizing healthy grass but not exaggerating it. The balance between your fertilizer application will give your grass right energy to help it prevent weeds.
  • Large seedlings by hand: To effectively pull them, wait until the seedlings become large enough to buy hands and roots, all of them. Remove the entire plant in the spring before adjusting the soil and restoring the soil. Use the weed tool in the garden to remove the roots of Crabgrass, which features a claw or piston that you can drive deep into the ground, under the roots, to remove the factory. Place the blocks in the garbage bag and stamp them tightly to prevent the spread of crab seeds.
  • Remove dead Crabgrass plants: A dense mattress of Dead Cancer crawls nearby grass plants, which inhibits the growth of healthy grass.
  • sawdust: Cover the non -advanced areas with a 2 -inch thick layer to reduce the growth of weeds. Any of the weeds that grow through the mulch should be removed by pulling or spraying.
  • vinegar: Vinegar has many uses, including natural herbal pesticides. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and put out the crab in the hotter part of the day. Continue spraying vinegar on Crabgrass for several days until Crabgrass dies. Once this happens, tear the crabs from the grass and throw it.
  • Boiling water: If you have insulated crab stains, boiling water can kill the roots of the plant. Just be aware of boiling water because it can harm other plants if it is in contact with them.
  • citric acid: Along with vinegar, citric acid can be effective and unnatural herbicides. It can enhance vinegar effect. Mix citric acid with vinegar in a spray bottle and apply it to the crab. Keep spraying until the plant dies.


Remember that even if it is after appearing Herbal pesticide is successfully killedYou cannot prevent seeds from a neighboring feature from blowing and landing in your yard. These seeds will grow next spring in your grass unless they prevent them from germination with herbal pesticides before they appear.

  • What can I use to kill Crabgrass, but not in the garden?

    Kill Crabgrass without damaging the grass and other plants using herbal pesticides after selective emergency specially formulated for crab. The use of unforgettable types of herbal pesticides after the emergency will kill your grass because they formulated the killing everyone Plants.

  • Does cutting the crabs make it spread?

    If Crabgrass has placed seeds, then cutting over them can be distributed over a wider area and increased spread. It is better to cut regularly before you reach the seed -bearing stage.

  • Is it better to withdraw or spray crabs?

    It depends. Crape clouds are more effective when you only have small groups of young crabs. Spraying is useful when there is a large -scale growth growth and need an easy and fast solution. If you spray, use the correct type of herbicides after appearing (i.e. selective versus chant) for your specific position.

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